
Showing posts from November, 2018

Six weeks later.....

I went in for another follow up yesterday. I had an ultrasound on my bladder and kidneys. The hospital, like the airport, always surprises me. It doesn't matter when you go, it's always busy. People coming and going, looking for signs, looking for a coffee and trying to get to where they need to be on time. I was early (thanks to some nice door to door service - more on that later) so I sat in the lobby for a few minutes with a coffee. I love people watching. Waiting in the lobby It wasn't quite this bad but it was pretty busy. I took a photo in between the break of people. You wonder what the story is behind every face. Are they waiting for treatments? Good news? Bad News? I am always struck by the supporters of the "patient". They have it harder than most realize. Always running around, getting the coffee, pulling out the chair, helping with the sweater, pushing the wheelchair - it is tiring. They are the unsung heroes behind every illne