Days of Healing....

Home again, feeling a little energized to type away on my keyboard. Monday morning at 8a.m. I was wheeled into the operating theater at University Hospital for probable robotic surgery on my right kidney . Just to recap (cue the flashbacks), I was driving my bus in late June, early morning, trying to talk myself into ignoring this latest bladder infection and telling myself, I could finish this shift. There comes a point when pain takes over your mental capacity and driving a beast with morning commuters counting on your skills, is just not a good mix. I called into dispatch to relieve me and have an inspector (thank you, Paul) to take me to emerge to get this latest bout fixed once and for all. I was given an expected diagnosis of a UTI but there was something not quite right in some of the tests. I was given more tests and about 10 hours later, I was given a diagnosis of renal cell carcinoma (cancerous tumour on the right kidney) plus enlarged lymph nodes and a possible mas...