
Showing posts from March, 2019

Soapbox blog

I am not going to post anything about my journey with cancer today but seeing the events in New Zealand, I just have to say something so.... Climbing up on my soapbox now - it's a little higher than I thought but that's because I had leg day at the gym the other day. Straightening out my tie (oh wait, I don't wear a tie - only a good preacher does 😏)..... I woke up this morning to the devastating news of two mosques being attacked by "good ole boys" in New Zealand. 49 confirmed dead and 20 seriously injured. I want to say "I can't believe it" but I can. The 79 page manifesto allegedly left by one of the attackers, was filled with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim ideas and explanations for an attack.He also had the audacity to live stream the attack. The manifesto praised Trump as a "symbol of white identity and common purpose". Yet many right wing evangelicals support him and think he has been sent by God. What???? Today, I scrolled throu

The door hasn't quite slammed shut yet.....

Today I had another CT scan -a follow up to make sure all those rogue cancer cells aren't hiding somewhere. I have put this whole cancer episode out of my mind and haven't thought a whole lot about it lately. The scars are the reminder and every now and then, they get tired and let me know that they are there. I am trying to stretch them out and keep that aching feeling at bay. I was told that this is normal and will experience scar pain for at least a year. This is sort of what I have to deal with. The tissue is rather deep inside so I can't just rub it away but need to massage deep. The doctor was pleased with the initial results of the CT scan but he said he wanted to have someone look deeper into it. That was a little disconcerting. He also mentioned that I have these nodules on my lung which they noticed way back when this whole adventure started. They haven't changed at all but he was not happy with the lung scan that they did. He said it wasn't c