The door hasn't quite slammed shut yet.....

Today I had another CT scan -a follow up to make sure all those rogue cancer cells aren't hiding somewhere. I have put this whole cancer episode out of my mind and haven't thought a whole lot about it lately. The scars are the reminder and every now and then, they get tired and let me know that they are there. I am trying to stretch them out and keep that aching feeling at bay. I was told that this is normal and will experience scar pain for at least a year.

This is sort of what I have to deal with. The tissue is rather deep inside so I can't just rub it away but need to massage deep.

The doctor was pleased with the initial results of the CT scan but he said he wanted to have someone look deeper into it. That was a little disconcerting. He also mentioned that I have these nodules on my lung which they noticed way back when this whole adventure started. They haven't changed at all but he was not happy with the lung scan that they did. He said it wasn't clear enough. Now I was really getting concerned but he said it would be fine. They would keep an eye on things -  have me back in again in nine months and see if the nodules have changed. So in the grand scheme of things - all is well.

I headed back to my car via the good folks at London Transit. The barium I had to take for the test was taking effect so I decided to hang out in the mall until I felt better. Lots of sales but I resisted. Time to carry on.  I had a run a few errands but nothing went well - Mya must have taken my gym shoes out of my bag as I wound up at the gym with no shoes. I couldn't get out of the parking garage even though I had a validated ticket. The parking guy finally let me go. Ordered a Sausage and Egg at McDonalds because I was staaaarrrrvvving! Ended up with enough food for a family (I need to watch the debit amount better - oops). Someone else's order was put on my order and I ended up with too much. They were understanding and I got a free Mcmuffin - I kept telling them no, as it was my stupidity but they insisted. Nice service! Then I wanted to pick up a movie and checked online if the store had it in stock. It was in stock but I guess someone with sticky fingers has it so I had to go to another branch to get a copy of it. Lost my phone between the store and home but finally found it. It has been one of those days but tonight is Pancake Supper so that should make up for it all.

So I carry on. The cancer has taken the back seat again for a few months. We makes plans for the future but knowing the future is not always "a given". Live in the present and accept every day as a blessing from God - always trusting, always thankful.


  1. Thanks for sharing Janet. Must be a little disconcerting not getting a “all’s clear” report! Praying that you stay healthy❤️


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