And so it begins....

Today I finished working, for a few weeks at least. I kept thinking that it's that last time, for awhile, that I need to drag myself out of bed by 5 am. Even Mya will look at me sleepily and flops back down again. "You're on your own at this hour! I need more beauty sleep."
The early hour has its' advantages though - the traffic is light, the stoplights will usually change in your favour and it's not so hot. It has been a sauna lately!(Tonight's showers have helped some)
The sky is just beginning to show the sunrise - the pinks and powder blues are beautiful. It felt strange knowing that I wouldn't be doing this walk again, for a few weeks anyway. Seems all a little surreal.
So I finished the day's work and I felt strange. Suddenly, it seems to hit me. Tomorrow the truth begins. I have my first tests (biopsies) at UH in the morning. They tell me it'll take a few hours. They are hoping to get a few samples from different organs and lymph nodes. I am eager to get going, get some answers. I am not used to having my life up in the air like this. I have my calendar full already for the summer and suddenly, everything becomes like erasable ink, unsure, prone to sudden changes or total cancellations. The rest of this week will be tests and more tests. 
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I have kept this verse in mind. I feel strength and courage from God but also from all the prayers and good wishes from family, friends, church family and co-workers. Until the rug gets pulled out from under you, you never realize how important it is to have a strong support team. I can't thank you all enough.
Spent a great night with family and grandkids. Hoping to get a good night's sleep and it's off to the races tomorrow! The human pin cushion will let you know how she feels later this week. 😉


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