Reduce, reuse, recycle

I took the first steps this past week. I followed my mother's example of reduce, reuse, recycle. As kids, she threw out nothing! I think there is still some elastics from 1950 in her drawers. She kept every twist tie, every string, sales receipt - nothing was thrown away. I decided to get my hair cut. The hot weather helped in my decision but before it falls out and gets thrown out, I thought I would get it chopped off and donate it to Locks for Love.
I generally do not take selfies but tada - here is the before! They said it should not be more than 5% gray so I wasn't sure if it would meet the criteria. I can blame my kids if it doesn't - they caused the gray - LOL. I know that I might not lose my hair depending on the therapy but that's ok. It sure is cooler with it off my head and in my hands!
The hairdresser, Jake from Hair Fantasy, was a little reluctant to cut it but he gathered it into two high braids which made me yearn for a lollipop. He delivered!
He snipped them off and laid them down and went to work on what was left. The braids suddenly felt really heavy and wondered how I carried all that extra hair. I mailed the hair after proving it wasn't  dangerous goods or drugs. Hopefully they can use it for someone who needs it. 
So this is the new me - ready for new adventures.
Another God moment - I had just picked up my schedule for all the tests and was wandering through the market downtown while waiting for a bus, when someone gave me that second look and a yelp. I was surprised to see Marianne Henstra (super kindergarten teacher to two of my children). She asked how I was and I said I was a little distracted over this new diagnosis. She said she was a cancer survivor being cancer free for ten years. "What kind of cancer?", I asked. "Kidney", she said. She told me all about her surgery, treatments and outcome which lifted me up. I really needed to hear that from a survivor. I haven't seen her in years, yet here she was in the last place I would expect to see her. I left and caught the bus, feeling much better. Thank you God.


  1. Janet. Look at your own family, your brother in law had stage 4 rectal cancer about 15 years ago and he is now healthy and well. The trip took about a year to complete so be prepared for a long journey but it will be worth the time and effort. Just for your info the out of pocket we paid for his treatments which started in 2 weeks from diagnoses (and 1week was because Fred wanted to do one last business trip) was about $100.

  2. You are beautiful Janet! I will be praying for you as you journey on the cancer road. Appreciate your honesty and humour. May it give you strength!

  3. I saw you a few wks ago walking towards the parking lot,,, & wonder if I should run to catch up with you(Im so out of shape that would have killed me) but I was going to suggest that we both should go get our hair cut,,, you beat me to it,,, I to hope to be able to donate it but being coloured not sure if I can,,, I have donated my hair many yrs ago.... Love your new look,,,

    Love your blog,,, & will follow you & your unschedule new journey of life,,, sending lots of positive thoughts & prayers your way,,, if in any way I can be of help plz don't hesitate to ask,,,,

    Donna Dunlop

  4. I love the new hair style on you Janet. It looks fabulous on you! We are keeping you in our prayers.


  5. I love the new "do"! It suits you; it's bold and adventurous with just a little bit of saucy thrown in! That's the Janet I've always known a women who doesn't throw in the towel easily and always speaks her mind. Be assured of our ongoing prayers!

  6. Love it! You look fresh and cool for the summer. Prayers are with you.


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