
I was reading online, that the average person spends approximately 6 months of their lives waiting in line for things, it means like 3 days a year of queuing up. The average person spends about 43 days on hold with automated customer service in one lifetime but that would take only one call to Rogers or Bell. 🙄 We spend about 26 years of our lives sleeping (I think I fall short in that area!)

This week, I wait, and wait, and wait.... My week of tests begins next week so I try not to think of this uninvited guest growing and spreading in me. I want to get started, get going and find out what is ahead. 
I feel like the racer getting limbered up to start a race. Problem is, though, I don't know if this will be Image result for getting ready to run a race
a straight race, a race with hurdles, a 100 yard dash, a mile or an obstacle course. I just want to get started. Am I wearing the right shoes to be successful? What will the weather be like?  So many variables. 

While I wait, I think...... I was thinking about  the human body.We (Joc and I) were talking the other day about the wonder of the human body. The bones, muscles, organs, blood vessels, and the list goes on and on. We have 78 organs! Eleven organ systems - integumentary, muscular, skeletal, nervous, circulatory, lymphatic, respiratory, endocrine, urinary/excretory, reproductive and digestive. Somehow they all work together in sync, day in and day out. It reminds me of the verse in Psalm 139 -
For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful,
    I know that full well.

Just thinking about it all, blows my mind. I think that God is revealing the secrets of the body bit by bit as we are ready for it. Take a heart transplant for instance - 50 years ago it was was extraordinary, scary and unheard of. Today, we hear of heart, kidney, liver and lung transplants like it was normal news. Science is making leaps and bounds and yet I know that it is God who is behind these discoveries. I do believe though, that He will keep the human mind, the emotions and thought process to Himself. We are not ready for that and I doubt we ever will be. We try to make robots to mimic thought processes but it will never be original - always "what goes in, will come out". We have been able to make strides in mental illness and helping those who struggle with emotional or behavioural issues. For that, I thank God for the miracle of drugs and therapies.

Image result for human body
This lead to a discussion on religion and medicine. Bob Marley died as a result of melanoma under a toe nail. A cure would have been possible had he allowed doctors to remove that toe. As a Rastafarian, he would not allow that to happen and as a result, the cancer spread through out his body. I just read a post the other day about nurses. One of the hardest moments for a nurse is witnessing
the pale skin of a Jehovah’s Witness with a hemoglobin of 4 as she declines a blood transfusion and says goodbye to her family because they haven’t found the source of the bleed and she’s running out of time. I have heard someone say that you shouldn't take pills for depression because God will take care of it, you just need to pray harder. What????? Religious rules trumps God-given cures through science?  I respect the view of those who believe this but I can't believe that God is pleased with this. Today, doctors can do invitro surgery, save a baby born at only 21 weeks gestation at one pound six ounces, attach a limb, do brain surgery, the possiblities are stunning. At the other end though, we can try to play God by prolonging a life. There is that fine balance.

Next week, I start a week long sucession of tests to see what is going on inside my body. The tests involve cat scans, a few different biopsies, nuclear tests and more. I am thankful that these tests are available and hopefully the rogue cells won't play hide and seek. The week after that, I have more scans. It will be interesting yet tiring and I am thankful I can come home each night and sleep in my own bed with my family near by. I am becoming more in tune with my body, the aches, the pains, the bumps and bulges yet I still stand amazed at the intricacies of the human body.

Speaking of family, Omari and Andre are coming on Sunday night so everyone will be home. I can't wait but it's worth waiting for! <3<3<3   


  1. Im happy their home,,, you'll be in your glory,

  2. Nothing beats having the whole family home....remember to take lots of fun photos like the one you posted a few days ago!

  3. I do so enjoy your blogs. I pray that you will have strength through this journey to continue to share with so many:)

  4. Love you Janet ! You write wonderfully . Praying for peace of mind and good test results !

  5. My head is not screwed on well. I have to wait ANOTHER week for Omari and Andre. Guess hoping the time will go faster maybe. Oh well, I have Jocelyn to myself for a week :)

  6. Praying for strength for you and your family.


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