The day after the weekend before...

The reason I started this blog was to keep everyone informed and up to speed on my diagnosis (journey). The words of support have been so uplifting and knowing I have an army of prayer warriors is wonderful. God must be getting tired of hearing my name - lol. Thank you, thank you all!

The pain is much better, in that it is manageable. I think I can hold off until my renal doctor is back. I find I can sit very upright and it keeps the pain away. Maybe my Mother was right when she kept telling me to straighten up. I was bad for walking and sitting in a stooped positions.
The regiment of pain killers are a life saver although I have to deal with a foggy brain. I can’t keep straight what day it is or what day I have to be here or there. The days just melt into one another. Maybe this was an ongoing problem and now I’m just noticing it. I am waiting for the smart remarks from a few of my hecklers - you know who you are!

So I just wanted to keep this as a short update that I am coping better. The angst of this past weekend has lessened and I feel I can cope again. I told a few people that I would rather go through labour and delivery than that pain again, but I really can't compare properly as labour for me was easy and short.  I stopped at four kids because we had overpopulated the earth already and I wasn't ready for a home birth. Mark was born close enough to home (corner of Oxford and Appel) that I didn't want to chance another quick delivery. I digress again so I will stop.

Thank you all for your prayers, your kind words, cards, the yummy muffins and soup and meals. I feel overwhelmed by your kindness. Things are going fine right now- we stay the course.


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