First follow up...

Today, I had my first follow up appointment since the surgery. I have been fighting a bladder infection (UTI) for a few weeks. I had an appointment with my family doctor two weeks ago and got a scrip for antibiotics for a week. These were new to me and took a few days to get any effect on me. It was miserable! I was feeling a little better except that it felt like someone was using my bladder as a stress ball. The spasms were keeping me awake. I finished the round of antibiotics but I was still not feeling the greatest. Whoever is using my doll for voodoo practice, you can stop now! Today I had a cystoscopy. This is a camera which is used to examine the bladder and ureter. It is about as much fun as it sounds. I was able to watch on a screen. First thing was a surprise for both the doctor, nurse and myself. A thread was attached to the stent. It shouldn't have been there - a hiccup in surgery I guess. No harm, no foul. I was a little worried at first when Dr. Luke said "What...