Sunny days.....

The journey of healing has been going good but I am not a patient person. I wish I could do more already but it seems whenever I push myself, the following day I am done for. I am feeling much better each day especially when I compare myself to two weeks ago! I was two days past surgery and I had taken a bit of a downward spin in that I was nauseous, in pain and ready to throw in the towel. I hope to never forget that time because it gives me more empathy to those who struggle with pain daily and fight debilitating cancer daily.

Today was such a beautiful day out. It's 25 degrees, feels like 32!! (roughly 77 degrees F.) This is October! The tree colours are coming into their own. Mya has been looking at me with those puppy dog eyes to get out and play. I caved, and took her to the pond today. I only walked a quarter of the way that I normally would and my pace was about 1/10 of my normal pace. I walked slow and steady to the first area while she ran back and forth, dived in and swam to her heart's content. Every now and then she would run back to me and give herself a shake as if to say "come on in, the water's warm!". I sat on a cement culvert and watched as she paddled her way around. We were also watched by another quiet observer. A deer in the distance stood quietly and watched until she had enough and ran off.
Who says dogs can't smile - she had a permanent smile on her the whole time!

The water may not be as clean and blue as it looks here but the sun just cast a sparkle on the water. It was beautiful.

I told Ray that if I wasn't back within a half hour, to come out looking for me. I had my phone along just in case. Somehow I wasn't expecting him to call in the army after about 20 minutes but this is what followed me home.We live near the company that manufactures these tanks so we often see them driving by our house.

I have had a bit of a setback this Thanksgiving Weekend though. Of course when all the doctors are away, I get an infection. I toughed it out until Tuesday, only to find out my specialist had taken a few extra days off so the office was closed. I was able to get into my family doctor and that was good too as it was the first time I had seen him since this whole fiasco began. It was also disheartening to learn that UTI will be my nemesis for life. This operation has not helped in that. I guess I will see if Dr. Luke deems the stent to be a failure or not.

So it continues day by day. I try to pace myself even though I see work pile up around me. We have enjoyed all the meals brought to us - I need to go on a recipe hunt now. Delicious! I have also enjoyed all the cards and well wishes. My friend in BC always sends me these beautiful hand made cards - I have a collection of them now. Love them all - thanks Ann! We have the most amazing friends who have stood by us, prayed for us, and provided for our meals and snacks. They are the hands of God and God is good!


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