Hurry up....wait.....

I am sitting here at a picnic table in the shade, enjoying a few days away. At the end of summer, I like to take a week camping by myself to catch up on some reading and try to sort out some thoughts. It’s been a hectic summer. I haven’t worked for most of it but it seems to be a summer of hurry up and wait. For the weeks that Jocelyn was here including the two that Omari and Andre joined her, it was a time of tests, appointments and a little time for fun. One of the highlights must be Clovermead Bees – what a great place to take kids. It was a little hot (ok, so a lot hot and humid) that day but the splash pad took care of that. They left at the beginning of August and although we keep in touch via messenger and facetime, it’s not the same. I miss that girl. Problems with the West Jet computers led to long line ups August was a month of appointments again and that one nasty weekend spent in the hospital enduring some of the worst pain I have ever had. I had a clini...