
Showing posts from August, 2018

Hurry up....wait.....

I am sitting here at a picnic table in the shade, enjoying a few days away. At the end of summer, I like to take a week camping by myself to catch up on some reading and try to sort out some thoughts. It’s been a hectic summer. I haven’t worked for most of it but it seems to be a summer of hurry up and wait. For the weeks that Jocelyn was here including the two that Omari and Andre joined her, it was a time of tests, appointments and a little time for fun. One of the highlights must be Clovermead Bees – what a great place to take kids. It was a little hot (ok, so a lot hot and humid) that day but the splash pad took care of that. They left at the beginning of August and although we keep in touch via messenger and facetime, it’s not the same. I miss that girl.   Problems with the West Jet computers led to long line ups August was a month of appointments again and that one nasty weekend spent in the hospital enduring some of the worst pain I have ever had. I had a clinic fo

The day after the weekend before...

The reason I started this blog was to keep everyone informed and up to speed on my diagnosis (journey). The words of support have been so uplifting and knowing I have an army of prayer warriors is wonderful. God must be getting tired of hearing my name - lol. Thank you, thank you all! The pain is much better, in that it is manageable. I think I can hold off until my renal doctor is back. I find I can sit very upright and it keeps the pain away. Maybe my Mother was right when she kept telling me to straighten up. I was bad for walking and sitting in a stooped positions. The regiment of pain killers are a life saver although I have to deal with a foggy brain. I can’t keep straight what day it is or what day I have to be here or there. The days just melt into one another. Maybe this was an ongoing problem and now I’m just noticing it. I am waiting for the smart remarks from a few of my hecklers - you know who you are! So I just wanted to keep this as a short update that I am coping

Painful times....

This past weekend has been nothing short of horrible. It all began with a UTI that was brewing since Monday. I went to my specialist, Dr. Luke, on the Tuesday for a follow up to all my tests and left him a sample to see if I had an infection. It was manageable so I didn't think a whole lot about it until Thursday. I was busy Thursday. Got my hair cut (again). Much shorter so it stays out of my eyes. I got my nails done, meeting a few friends in the salon, so we went out for coffee afterwards. When you get your nails done, you have to show it off in public, right? Tim Hortons was the lucky recipient of our reveal. So they aren't like the ones pictured maybe this is what I should have had. This would take some major talent on the part of the manicurist. All in all, I was avoiding the inevitable - the pain of a UTI. I had dinner with a good friend that night and we talked until 8 pm. I got home and found out that the doctor had called with a request for my pharmacy for a scrip


Went to the doctor today to get a follow up to my tests. I realize it is a teaching hospital but as a student intern, I think you should familiarize yourself with the patient before entering the room. Had a student who came in cold and wondered why I was there and what brought me to emerge etc. He opened up the computer file and then decided he should wait for the actual doctor before telling ma anything. Hmmm.....that was a little unnerving. So Dr. Luke came in and told me that I have renal cell carcinoma. The malignant mass is small enough that he does not think it has spread but advised surgery to take out at least part of the kidney and the tumour. It is hoped he can save the rest of the kidney but if it does not look good,  he will take out the entire kidney. It is on the right side.  He also asked, a few times, if I smoked or had smoked as he saw "funny spots" on my lungs but wasn't too concerned. Both he and the intern did mention that I had minute (teeny) masses