The D Word

I finished my final cat scan today. It was a little more involved than this cat scan but feel free to get a cat scan done for yourself. A friend sent me that. The scans aren't bad except the IV needle that is put in and then the solution which makes your body feel warm in different areas at different times. Weird feeling. Anyway, testing is all finished. Now comes the hard part - knowing the doctor will have results but I have to wait until August 7 to plot my future. One subject that seems to be taboo is the D word. The elephant in the room and it's one I don't mind to talk about. I do not fear death at all, it's the dying I fear. I read in the obits each day how Great Auntie Bernice died "peacefully" with her family surrounding her. I have been with two people who drew their final breath and it is not peaceful at all. It is a struggle, a sort of drowning as each breath becomes shallower and harder. I don't see the peace but maybe I am wrong. Dying c...